Free dental care for under 18s
Children who are eligible to receive publicly funded health care are entitled to free oral health care* until their 18th birthday. For information on eligibility, visit the Ministry of Health's website.
*Free dental care for under 18s does not include accident (ACC) related dental care, orthodontic treatment or teeth whitening services. Please contact your local dentist if these services are required.
If you live in the Greater Wellington Region - Wellington, Hutt Valley, Porirua & Kāpiti Coast (up to Waikanae):
Enrol children (from birth to until end of school Year 8, last year of intermediate school), for free dental care by completing this online enrolment form. For more information about dental care for children, click here.
Enrol teenagers, (from Year 9, first year of secondary school, until their 18th birthday) for free dental care by:
1. Choosing a provider from the free adolescent care dental providers on this list.
2. Calling the chosen provider to enrol for free adolescent dental care services and book a first appointment
3. Completing an enrolment form at the first appointment.
For more information about dental care for teenagers, click here.
If you live outside the Greater Wellington Region: