Call 0800 Talk Teeth 0800 825 583

Dental care is free* for children from birth until their 18th birthday…That’s something to smile about!

In order for your child to receive free* dental care, they need to be enrol with the free dental care service in your region.

For information about the free dental care service in your region, and how to enrol, call 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) or follow the link to the service website for your region from the list below:

  1. Te Tai Tokerau - Northland 
  2. Waitematā 
  3. Te Toka Tumai - Auckland
  4. Counties Manukau
  5. Waikato
  6. Hauora a Toi - Bay of Plenty
  7. Tairāwhiti
  8. Lakes
  9. Taranaki
  10. Te Matau a Māui - HawkeTe Matau a Māui - Hawke's Bay
  11. Whanganui
  12. Te Pae Hauora o Ruahine o Tararua - MidCentral (call 06 350 8619 or email
  13. Wairarapa
  14. Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley
  15. Nelson Marlborough
  16. Te Tai o Poutini - West Coast
  17. Waitaha - Canterbury
  18. South Canterbury
  19. Southern

The following services are not provided under the free dental care scheme:

  • Orthodontic treatment including the extraction of teeth solely for orthodontic purposes. If you are considering orthodontic treatment for you child, the Dental Council have developed an information sheet and video to help you understand your options. For a list of orthodontists in the Wellington Region click here.
  • Tooth whitening
  • Accident (ACC) related dental treatment
  • Elective dental care provided by a private dentist without a referral from Bee Healthy Regional Dental Service.